Day 14 -Edinburgh, Scotland

Guided Tour - Scotch Whiskey Experience - Streets of Edinburgh


Many cities offer free walking tours, all you have to do is a little Internet search and you can usually find several options. Many are free, some cost a little, and some times the guide works just for tips. The walking tour in Edinburgh our guide worked for tips. Today's tour through Edinburgh advertised that it would last about two hours.  As you can imagine anyone that likes to conduct tours likes to talk, and Greg, our tour guide really liked to talk.  This tour took almost three hours, not the advertised two.  The extra hour helped to total our walking today at about 5-1/2 miles.  Greg was very Scottish and very good, and thoroughly entertaining.

Edinburgh Castle - built on a rock.

Edinburgh Castle - built on a rock.

Edinburgh Castle - built on a rock.

Eye of Edinburgh

St. Gile Cathedral

St. Gile Cathedral

St. Gile Cathedral

St. Gile Cathedral

Tolbooth Church

Typical Edinburgh courtyard

Very Tall Apartments

Narrow Close

Edinburgh Cemetery

Edinburgh Cemetery

Edinburgh Cemetery

Edinburgh Cemetery

Hanna MacKenzie's Tombstone

James Baird's Tombstone
(My mother's maiden name was Baird, and while I don't think I am related, it was interesting to see a possible relative's tombstone.)

Greyfriars Bobby was a Skye Terrier who became known in 19th-century Edinburgh for spending 14 years guarding the grave of his owner until he died himself on 14 January 1872. The story continues to be well known in Scotland, through several books and films. A prominent commemorative statue and nearby graves are big tourist attraction.

Greyfriars Bobby Tombstone

Greyfriars Bobby Statue
(People rub his noise for good luck)


After the tour ended, we headed to an exhibit called the Whiskey Experience.  I liked what Rick Steves called it, “It was very Walt-Disney”.  Rick was right on, entertaining and somewhat informative, but pretty shallow.  We have plans to hit a few other Whiskey houses for more education and tastings on Tuesday.  I did find a blended Scotch called Blackbull that was pretty tasty, but it was about $150.00 per liter for the 21 year old version, but the 12 year old version was a little more reasonable at about $40.00 per litre. As part of the exhibit they has an increadable Whisky collection, it was huge.

History of Scotch

History of Scotch

My Favorite

The Whiskey Experience Collection

The Whiskey Experience Collection

The Whiskey Experience Collection

The Whiskey Experience Collection

The Whiskey Experience Collection

The Streets of Edinburgh

Old City Hall

New City Hall

Chamber of Commerce

Train Station Roof

Street Musicians

Streets of Edinburgh

Streets of Edinburgh

Streets of Edinburgh

Streets of Edinburgh

Streets of Edinburgh


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